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How to Write eBooks for Your Business

How to Write eBooks for Your Business | Web Content Tips An eBook in Every One of Us
Got an eBook in you? You've got to believe you do. More than ever, new authors are able to take advantage of the online marketplace to write eBooks for business. Great eBook topics are waiting to be taken up by authors committed enough to write down their ideas in a way that compels readers to flip to the next page. While fiction may be one area in which authors have gained attention, many small business owners and entrepreneurs are finding that eBooks are the royal road to recognition and sustained income.

Think about your business specialty, your educational background, your hobbies. All of these can be turned into an extra source of cash in the form of the information you convey when you write eBooks. But be careful. The content must be good enough so that readers don't return your work to get their money back. That's where an experienced editor can be your best ally. 

Bestselling eBook Topics
Apart from fiction, some of the bestselling eBook topics explain an idea or process or provide useful information. That's what makes how-to eBooks perennial top sellers. When you're ready to commit to writing an eBook, think carefully of ten or so topics that you believe you have a fair amount of interest in. From the list of topics, choose one that you believe you have the most interest in so that you can express that interest throughout the writing process. As a small business owner, for example, do you know something about personal finance, perhaps that an average reader might not know? Or have you done plenty of reading and research in the area of health and weight loss? Some other topics you might consider:

  • B2B consultation
  • sales and marketing approaches
  • relationship advice
  • alternative medicine
  • art and music lessons
  • health and fitness
  • self-help
Google Your eBook Keywords Before committing to a topic, you might want to explore your keywords to see whether readers are searching for your topic. One of the tools you might use while doing this is Google's Keyword Tool ( Other keyword research tools, among many others, can be found at these sites:
Editing Help for Your eBook
While writing an eBook is in a sense all your own, you may find that you need your eBook edited by a professional editor. Is it worth the cost? Professional editors spend day after day, year after year, making language the best it can be. They know words like a plumber knows leaks.

Remember, your eBook may not be published in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, but as your work, it is something you'll want to be proud of. So, yes, it is worth the cost, especially when the reputation of your business comes into play. Here are a few of the things an editor can check while reviewing your eBook:
  • an overall review of your work
  • correct style, usage, and grammar
  • correct spelling and word breaks
  • internal consistency
  • replacement of confusing wording
  • broken or incorrect links
Start Writing Your eBook Today
You might wonder how to take on such a mammoth task as writing an eBook. First, do yourself the kindness of writing a chapter outline. Under each chapter, list three to five topics you'd like to cover. Once you've got the outline, you can break up the task into bite-sized chunks. While you'd likely fall flat on the floor if you tried to stay up all night to write a sixty-page eBook, you can more comfortably tell yourself you'll write a five-page chapter per week. That's less than 500 words, or one page, per day. In just ten weeks, the result would be a fifty-page eBook. Not bad.

Start writing your eBook today! It's the first step toward sharing your expertise with others. And don't do it alone. Seek the help of professional editors who have the know-how to help you get write eBooks and get your work published.

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